Wednesday, July 6, 2011


First of all, I would like to write about what had i select for my background.
I did not know how to use other image as the background of the wallpaper,
so i ended up using what is given in the adobe photoshop cs4.
I choose it from the filter, then render and select the cloud mood.
Then after that i open back the selection file that i did last week,
i move the shadow image onto the background layer,
then i name the black shadow layer as shadow

After that i choose and did another selection for the MMU logo
as what i had did for the selection last week had some error,
so i decided to do another selection.
and i name the layer as MMU logo, so that it is easy to recognize.
The next step is i select the FOM building and put onto the background layer,
i adjust the size of the building selection to fit the wallpaper.
I did duplicate the building laye, adjust it into blend mode, overlay and the capacity change to 80
Now i would like to write the " Multimedia University" word onto the background.
I choose Frankin Gothic Demi Cond as my font.
After that, i insert another image onto the background
i write some information about the FOM open day.
I did also do some adjustment by rotating it.
This is my final image for layering,
although it is not so good as others,
but i had did my best and will work harder on it.

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